ISSN 1519-7654 online version



Basic information

Aim: ComCiência is an online journal monthly publication that deals with topics related to all science fields that are in the spotlight for their relevance.

Background: It is produced by Labjor since August 1999, the founding is from Pronex/CNPq and the support is from Fapesp, through the Programa José Reis de Incentivo ao Jornalismo Científico. From July 2000, it made a partnership with the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC).

Target: The target audience of ComCiência journal is composed by students from elementary school and university, by researchers, professors and people interested in science in general.

Regularity and other information: The journal brings a specific topic every month through reports and articles related to the subject. There is also a science news section that, since August 2003, has been currently updated on a daily basis. ComCiência also publishes, without regularity, special reports about topics considered relevant, which sometimes updates the topics already dealt by the journal. All issues of ComCiência are available online.

The journal abbreviated title is ComCiência, which must be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



All journal rights are reserved to the Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo Científico of Unicamp. The journal makes use of Creative Commons license, that allows copy, distribution, exhibition and executing of the content under the following conditions:

- Attribution. You must give credit to the original author through the norms established by the author or licensed.

- Non comercial use. You cannot use the content for commercial purposes.

- It is forbidden the creation of derived work. You cannot alter, transform or create another text based on this one.

- For every new use or distribution, you must clearly publish the license norms of this content.

- Once you have the author's permission, any of those conditions can be renounced.



This publication gets funding from:

This publication is supported by:

  • Sociedade Brasileira Para o Progresso da Ciência

  • Pfizer

  • Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Fapesp



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© 2008 Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo Científico da Unicamp

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